Agricultural area monitored in Brazil by EarthDaily Agro grows

Driven by business with insurance companies and agfintechs, the company hopes to reach 9 million hectares analyzed via satellite in the country this year

20.01.2022 | 13:39 (UTC -3)
Carol Silveira

Satellite images and meteorological data are helping companies operating in the agro sector in Brazil - especially insurance companies and agfintechs - to recognize good producers, benefiting them with more attractive rates when taking out credit or taking out agricultural insurance. Surveys based on satellite images and meteorological models enable companies to obtain a historical survey of up to 30 years of production based on data from the plot, environmental compliance, consistency and production capacity during the harvest, instead of considering the regional or average production. a municipality as a reference.

EarthDaily Agro, formerly known as Geosys, a company that processes the processing of meteorological data and satellite images for use in agriculture, has recorded significant growth in the monitored agricultural area. Not including last December, the area grew by more than 2,7 million hectares between 2020 and 2021, reaching 3,4 million in productive areas monitored for clients, especially soybeans and corn. If the average growth rate observed since 2019 is considered, the expectation is to reach 9 million hectares in 2022. In the countries in which it operates, EarthDaily Agro monitors around 20 million hectares.

The company's new brand reflects the breadth of resources available to agribusiness clients. Thanks in part to EarthDaily Agro's rapid expansion and scalability and capabilities in the value-added geoanalytics segment, the company has seen an increase in demand for satellite data analysis. For Gustavo Libardi, business director for Latin America at EarthDaily Agro, this performance in Brazil is mainly due to the good results obtained by insurance clients, especially in reducing the accident rate, through operational optimization and the application of geoanalytical intelligence. , through daily monitoring of crops.

“With this, it is possible to obtain more attractive premiums and rates for farmers seeking safer production”, he explains. Another point is a better understanding of climatic conditions, quickly and simply, which will enable good operational management during the pre-grant analysis of rural credit or in the post-planting monitoring stage of an agricultural insurance policy, for example. According to Libardi, accurate data on rainfall and soil moisture, for example, guarantees greater confidence in companies' decision-making processes, as well as fairer service to farmers.

Gustavo Libardi, business director for Latin America at EarthDaily Agro
Gustavo Libardi, business director for Latin America at EarthDaily Agro

Another example is the daily monitoring of crops, which provides food and beverage companies with greater clarity of the production situation on farms and, consequently, greater accuracy of information for the industry that will process and process the product – all the way to the supermarket shelf. “We saw that the demand for satellite coverage is on the rise around the world as the generation of clear, precise and consistent data becomes a necessity in the most different sectors”, he explains.

For Fabrício Pezente, CEO of Traive, an agfintech focused on structuring, modeling and distributing financial solutions for agribusiness, the partnership with EarthDaily Agro brought great precision to the company's models, making it capable of offering greater efficiency and quality in monitoring crops.

In view of the expansion, EarthDaily Agro is increasing its staff around the world, with new hires in Brazil, especially in the scientific data department. The company also announced a new office in Singapore in the first quarter of 2022. “We are excited to grow our team of satellite observation and analysis experts,” adds Dave Gebhardt, managing director of the company.

Satellite constellation

Satellite coverage has become essential for many industries, with the use of data driving business decisions and predicting potential climate changes across the globe. EarthDaily Agro is working on building a constellation of satellites with unprecedented capacity to detect climate change, which will significantly improve the capacity for geospatial analysis in agriculture, forestry, the environment, financial services, as well as defense and intelligence, among other areas. . Construction of the constellation began in September 2021 and its launch is scheduled for 2023. The new satellites will collect scientific-quality images every day in a unique combination of 23 spectra, many of which will have a resolution of 5 meters. “As we grow with the segment’s demand, we are dedicated to offering greater satellite coverage and geospatial analysis to the Brazilian agricultural market”, says Gebhardt.

Following the company's rebrand, Geosys will remain the name of EarthDaily Agro's next-generation software platform - an easier-to-use platform that offers more flexibility, greater speed and scale - to provide customers with more data across different markets in agriculture. The new platform will be launched in the first quarter of 2022.

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