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The opinion poll conducted by Embrapa Cerrados showed that 74% of rural producers who responded to the questionnaire use cover crops on their properties. However, among the 26% who said they would not adopt the technology, practically all are willing to consider its use.
Of the 709 questionnaires answered, 38% were rural producers and 4% were agricultural managers, profiles that were the focus of the study. The questionnaire was analyzed based on the responses given by these participants, a total of 300 people. The other participants identified themselves as representatives of universities and education, technical consultants, representatives of the public technical assistance and rural extension system, and technicians from private companies related to the agricultural sector.
For researcher Marcelo Ayres, coordinator of the research, this was a good result, as it is the first experience with this type of survey conducted directly with the technology's target audiences. “Our goal is to understand the criteria that lead rural producers to adopt or not cover crops on their properties and the level of knowledge about their benefits, in addition to identifying the difficulties they have in relation to the technology. For a first approach, we obtained important information that will help us direct our actions”, he explains.
The researcher says that the idea is to repeat the research to monitor the adoption of cover crops in the country, as is done in the United States: “We have a partnership with the USDA [Agricultural Research Service] and the University of Florida. They have been conducting similar research there for over ten years, with annual updates. Here, we also intend to conduct this survey periodically.”
Among rural producers who use cover crops in their agricultural systems, approximately 50% have been adopting this practice for more than five years. Another 30% have been doing so for more than ten years. Half of the respondents use cover crops in an area equivalent to 40% of the agricultural area of the property.
Among the most used species, Brachiaria ruziziensis (57%) and millet (54%) were mentioned, followed by forage radish with 37%. The most commonly planted commercial crops on the interviewees' properties are corn and soybeans.
As the most important factors for expanding the area with cover crops on the property, respondents pointed out the availability of commercial seeds in quantity, quality and known origin and information on which species to use.
In general, rural producers and agricultural managers perceive several benefits from the use of cover crops, among which the following stand out: soil improvement - physical structure, moisture retention, reduction of compaction, in addition to the increase in organic matter.
Regarding the use of areas sown with cover crops for grazing, 40% responded that they do this type of management. Another 7% make silage and 2% produce hay.
Almost 70% of producers purchase seeds for planting, while 34% produce their own seeds. “This information suggests a large market for seeds of cover crop species,” Ayres analyzes.
Other questions in the questionnaire addressed the use of cover crop mixes, cultivation methods and management of cover crops, and the cost of seed prices.
Considering the properties of those interviewed, Minas Gerais was the most represented state, followed by Paraná, São Paulo and Goiás. “This data was a surprise to me. I thought we would receive more participation from the states of the Central-West, such as Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul”, highlights the researcher from Embrapa Cerrados.
Regarding technical assistance, a variety of options were indicated, including private consultants, technical consultants linked to input companies and their own technical team, while 21% said they did not receive any type of assistance.
The opinion poll was developed within the scope of the project “Fertilize 4 Life - Reducing dependence on fertilizers through the use of legumes as cover crops in crop and livestock integration systems” and was carried out between November and December, using an online form.
The objective was to assess the level of adoption of cover crops in agricultural systems and pastures formed with crop-livestock integration (ILP). The questionnaire was disseminated through a report published in the press, cooperation with institutions that work with the agricultural sector, support from several Embrapa research centers and contact via WhatsApp.
Marcelo Ayres adds: “The report with the analysis of all the data and information is being prepared for full disclosure of the results. We have in our hands a very rich set of information that will help guide public policies, new research and communication and technology transfer actions, in addition to subsidizing the development of agricultural practices to reduce management difficulties in production systems throughout the country.”
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