How to reinforce and protect forestry tires
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Following reports in some Brazilian states, including Paraná, about the receipt of seed packages as “gifts” of products purchased over the internet, or even without placing any order, the Paraná Agricultural Defense Agency (Adapar) alerts the population paraná that these seeds can bring with them pests, diseases and weeds that do not exist in the country, capable of causing serious damage to agriculture and the environment.
The agricultural defense institution advises that the material should not be opened, discarded or, much less, used. Anyone receiving the packages should look for the nearest Adapar unit, or the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. You can also contact Adapar by phone (41) 3313-4000 or by Contact Us. Unit addresses and telephone numbers can be consulted using this link.
Until last Thursday (18), Adapar inspectors collected three packages of seeds, which will be sent to the Ministry. Two came from the Curitiba region and one from the Paranavaí region. In all three cases, people reported that the package originated from China, and the reason for sending it was unknown. One of them, according to Adapar, had made a purchase online last year, and now only received the seeds, from the same origin.
The coordinator of Adapar's Certification, Traceability and Plant Epidemiology Program, Juliano Farinacio Galhardo, reinforces the warning that seeds should not be planted, even if they appear to be healthy. “Many of the pests and diseases they may contain are invisible to the naked eye, and can only be detected through laboratory analysis. Therefore, it is important for them to be delivered to Adapar or MAPA, to provide analysis and adequate disposal, in order to avoid the introduction of new pests into the State”, he explains. Laboratory tests to identify the species and possible pathogens present in the material will be carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture.
According to Renato Rezende Young Blood, Plant Health manager at Adapar, the introduction of new pests in areas where they do not occur leads to an increase in production costs, greater environmental contamination, due to the possible need for control with agrochemicals, and can also bring restrictions on trade in plant products. “This has a direct impact on plant production chains and, consequently, on the State’s economy. Therefore, we count on everyone's collaboration, following the guidelines of Adapar and the Ministry, in order to protect our agriculture”.
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