World coffee production is estimated at 176,2 million 60kg bags for the 2024–25 harvest

Expected harvest of Brazilian Coffees will be equivalent to 33,3% of world production; Vietnam 16,5% and Colombia 7%

17.07.2024 | 14:55 (UTC -3)
Lucas Tadeu Ferreira

The production of coffee of the species Coffea arabica (Arabica coffee), at a global level, forecast for the 2024-2025 harvest was estimated at a physical volume equivalent to 99,9 million 60kg bags, a performance that, if confirmed, will imply an increase of 4,4% in global production of this species, in comparison with the harvest of the same previous cycle, which was 95,7 million bags.

In addition, in relation to the harvest of the species Coffea canephora (robosa+conilon coffee), in global terms, expected for the current coffee year, which was estimated at 76,4 million 60kg bags, a physical volume that, if also confirmed, will represent an increase of 4%, in comparison with the world harvest of the previous cycle, whose physical volume corresponded to 73,5 million bags.

In this context, it appears that the total world coffee harvest estimated for the highlighted production cycle, obviously including the two coffee species mentioned, will total the equivalent of 176,2 million 60kg bags, with the C. arabica will be equivalent to approximately 57%, and, additionally, the C. canephora will correspond to 43%, both in relation to the estimated global harvest.

Based on these figures cited on the performance of global coffee farming, in the case highlighted in this analysis of the forecast estimates for the two species of coffee, for the current harvest of 2024–2025, it is also worth establishing a comparison, and thus highlighting the performance and the participation of the three largest coffee producing countries in the world, which are, respectively, Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia, whose accumulated harvests will correspond to approximately 57% of the total estimated at a global level.

However, before proceeding with this analysis of the Coffee Observatory, it is worth clarifying that the data and analyzes of this study on the production of coffees from the two species cultivated in the world were obtained from the Executive Summary of Coffee July 2024, which is published and disseminated monthly by Secretariat of Agricultural Policy – ​​SPA, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock – Mapa. Furthermore, this document is also available in full at the Coffee Observatory of the Café Research Consortium, which is coordinated by Embrapa Café.

Thus, returning to the central focus of this analysis, it appears that Brazil, traditionally the country that is the largest coffee producer in the world, whose total predicted harvest, including the sum of the two species, will total 58,81 million bags, 42,10 million bags of C. arabica, and additionally 16,70 million C. canephora. Thus, this volume of Brazilian Coffees will be equivalent to 33,3% of the world harvest forecast for the period in question.

Next, Vietnam stands out, the second largest coffee producing country on the planet, also including both species in this case, with the C. canephora should be responsible for offering 27,9 million bags, and that the C. arabica will reach only 1,2 million bags of this species, thus totaling 29,1 million bags, which will correspond to approximately 16,5% of world production.

And finally, as a highlight of this ranking of the three largest coffee producing countries in the world, comes Colombia, which produces only C. arabica, a country whose harvest was estimated at 12,4 million bags, which will correspond to a percentage of just 7,0% of the world harvest of the two species mentioned above.

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