Crops increased by 8,8% and livestock decreased by -9,1%
15.03.2022 | 14:28 (UTC -3)
The Gross Value of Agricultural Production (VBP) for 2022 is estimated at R$1,208 trillion, 3,1% higher than in 2021 (R$1,172 trillion). According to the Mapa Agricultural Policy Secretariat, crops increased by 8,8% and livestock decreased by -9,1%.
Soy represents 40,7% of the crops' VBP, but below the result obtained in 2021, which was 47,4%. Other products performing well are: cotton, coffee, sugar cane and corn, also with record production values this year.
“Banana, beans, orange, cassava and potatoes stand out as those that performed best among the products analyzed. The most relevant factor in the behavior of crops has been agricultural prices, which for the second year have remained at levels favorable to producers. There is a small group of products made up of rice, cocoa and soybeans, which, due to lower prices or smaller quantities produced, have shown reductions in VBP. Among these, the biggest declines are observed in rice, cocoa, wheat and soybeans”, highlights the note from the secretariat.
In relation to livestock, beef and chicken show the biggest declines.
According to the note, the February prices, used to calculate the VBP, “are also incorporating part of the uncertainties created by the conflict in Ukraine. In a preliminary way, it is worth observing the possible effects of the increase in fuel prices this March, as a result of the global rise in oil prices”.
However, the VBP should not be affected, as the activities that make up the indicator have already been almost completely completed, as they represent primary production.
What is VBP
The VBP shows the evolution of crop and livestock performance throughout the year and corresponds to the gross revenue within the establishment. Calculated based on the production of the agricultural harvest and livestock, and the prices received by producers in the country's main markets, of the 26 largest agricultural products in Brazil. The real value of production, discounted for inflation, is obtained by the General Price Index - Internal Availability (IGP-DI) of Fundação Getúlio Vargas. The periodicity is monthly with updates and publication until the 15th of each month.