Tocantins records a 10% reduction in the growth curve of fire outbreaks

In the period from September 19 to 25, 1.258 fire outbreaks were recorded, compared to 1.399 in the period from September 10 to 16.

27.09.2024 | 15:33 (UTC -3)
Barbara Andrade

The Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources (Semarh) released today (27) the Climate and Fire Risk Bulletin, which reveals a still critical situation in the state in relation to the number of fires. In the period from September 19 to 25, 1.258 fire outbreaks were recorded, compared to 1.399 from the period from September 10 to 16.

The bulletin indicates a 10% reduction in the growth curve of fire outbreaks compared to the last week, from September 10 to 16, distributed across 69 municipalities. Lagoa da Confusão continues to lead the ranking with 409 outbreaks, followed by Formoso do Araguaia with 303 and Pium with 150 outbreaks.

Among the microregions of Tocantins, Araguaína stands out with the lowest number of outbreaks, 0,71%, while the Rio Formoso microregion leads with 59,77%. The Bulletin also predicts high temperatures and low relative humidity: 28,4ºC and 56% in the northern region, 32,1ºC and 32% in the central region, and 28,5ºC and 451% in the southern region.

Water monitoring also shows a sharp drop in river levels, a common feature during droughts. The data shows that the Jatobá station on the Palma River recorded a level of 2,80 meters, showing a recovery compared to last year, when it was 2,46 meters.

The Water Bulletin shows that over the last three years, 2024 will see the lowest level of rivers monitored by Semarh, which reinforces that the water crisis in the state is the most serious in recent years.

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