Solidarity actions mark the celebration of National Clean Field Day

97 reception units in the country will promote donations of more than 140 tons of food to support those in need

12.08.2020 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
Adelson Junior

The celebration of the 16th edition of National Clean Field Day, on August 18, will be held in line with the current moment. With the theme “Celebrating achievements and multiplying solidarity”, the event will have virtual activities and the promotion of solidarity actions, which will involve 97 reception units across the country. Through community mobilization and partnerships with institutions, the Campo Limpo System (reverse logistics program for empty packaging and post-consumption leftovers from agricultural pesticides) should promote the donation of 9 thousand basic food baskets, equivalent to more than 140 tons of food, helping those in need at this time. 

Solidarity will be the way to celebrate the good results of the System, which is a global reference and has already correctly disposed of more than 575 thousand tons of empty pesticide packaging since 2002. Last year, 94 out of every 100 packaging received were sent for recycling. 

This year, in-person activities will be replaced by virtual initiatives and solidarity actions in different locations. inpEV (National Institute for Empty Packaging Processing), the System's managing entity, and reseller associations formed partnerships with institutions to promote donations of basic food baskets and other items. “The System will mobilize the community to celebrate the date by doing good. At the same time that we recognize the commitment of everyone who kept the System running safely and efficiently, we reaffirm our commitment to building a better society”, highlights João Cesar Rando, CEO of inpEV. 

On the 18th, as an official event to celebrate the date, Canal Terra Viva will show the program Agro 360 Special National Clean Country Day, at 13 pm. With the participation of representatives of links in the agricultural chain and guests, the program will showcase several solidarity actions that will be taking place across the country. The first virtual event of the week of celebrations will take place on August 17th, during “Field Day: Caminhos do Agro SP”, promoted by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of the State of São Paulo.  At 17:30 pm, there will be a live with the participation of CEO of inpEV and the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo, Gustavo Junqueira, in addition to the screening of a special episode about the Campo Limpo System.  

Throughout the week, inpEV's social networks will publicize these initiatives, as well as virtual tours of the reception units and a recorded theatrical skit, aimed at elementary school students.  

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