Government of Santa Catarina launches Agroinnovation Sector Chamber
The objective is to identify the challenges to promote innovative agricultural practices
04.10.2024 | 15:32 (UTC -3)
Tatiana de Oliveira
To expand debates, development actions and innovation in the agricultural sector of Santa Catarina, the State Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock (SAR) officially announced in an online event the creation and formation of the Agroinnovation Sector Chamber, approved through Resolution No. 02/2024, of the State Council for Rural Development (Cederural). The Sector Chambers are important forums for discussion between the various links in the production chains.
The launch was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture (Mapa), Epagri, Cidasc, Ufsc, Udesc, Ocesc, Sebrae, Senai, Badesc, BRDE, Fecoagro, Acate, Acafe, Sicoob, Faesc, Fapesc, Embrapa and Fetaesc. The Chamber is made up of equal representation between civil society and government, with coordination by SAR.
Thematic Chambers provide in-depth discussions on the public policies needed for the sector. The creation of the Agroinnovation Sector Chamber takes into account the need to increase incentives for development and the application of more efficient, sustainable and innovative technologies and processes, responding to real demands.
Together, the objective is to identify the challenges to boost innovative agricultural practices and integrate strategic collaboration between private companies, research institutions and government agencies to promote synergies that accelerate technological progress.
The Secretary of State for Agriculture and Livestock, Valdir Colatto, highlights that Santa Catarina is already a reference technological hub in Brazil and has the potential to grow and expand into the field. “With the creation of the Agroinnovation Sector Chamber, we will pool knowledge and information and work hard to drive innovation. We will contribute to the expansion and competitiveness of agribusiness, helping farmers and positioning the state as a reference in innovative and technological agricultural practices,” he states.
Cesar Teles, coordinator of the General Coordination of the Articulation for Agricultural Innovation at MAPA, participated in the launch of the Agroinnovation Sector Chamber and highlighted the important integration of civil and government entities to boost the sector. “It is essential to strengthen technological links in the state of Santa Catarina and in Brazil in order to expand innovation in the field. Adding value by proposing improvements to the internet signal, technological qualification, and expanding knowledge with the aim of generating income and making life easier in the field.”
The Thematic Chambers
In total, there are 31 Sector Chambers approved by SAR through Cederural: Agroinnovation; Garlic; Beekeeping and Meliponiculture; Rice; Rural Family Agroindustry; Bamboo; Regional Beverages; Onion; Certifications of Agricultural Products and Distinctive Signs; Rural Credit and Insurance; Plant Protection; Yerba Mate; Flowers and Ornamental Plants; Planted Forests; Fruit Growing; Land; Grains; Milk and Derivatives; Cassava; Vegetable Farming; Sheep and Goat Farming; Cultivated Palm Trees; Beef Cattle; Medicinal Plants; Organic Production; Natural Resources and Environment; Seeds and Seedlings; Swine and Poultry; Tobacco; Rural Tourism; Grapes and Derivatives.