Rice farmers and the federal government align strategies to supply the national market

Meeting of the productive sector with ministers established price monitoring and supply guidance to guarantee the product to the consumer

04.07.2024 | 17:15 (UTC -3)
Nestor Tipa Junior

At a meeting held this week, in Brasília (DF), representatives of the rice sector and the federal government aligned mechanisms for supplying rice to the national market. After the possibility of importing the grain, the parties reached a consensus in order to value the national product and also ensure that the Brazilian consumer has access to the cereal.

According to the president of the Federation of Rice Growers Associations of Rio Grande do Sul (Federarroz), Alexandre Velho, he was aligned with the ministers of Agriculture, Carlos Fávaro, and of Agrarian Development, Paulo Teixeira, in addition to the president of the National Supply Company (Conab ), Edegar Pretto, a monitoring of prices in Brazilian markets. "We will also guide producers in order to supply the industry and, consequently, bring peace of mind to consumers, monitoring market prices and also guaranteeing supply, bringing normality to the functioning of the market", he highlights.

For Velho, this opening of dialogue between the rice production sector and the federal government gave the opportunity to clarify points about the rice market. "We also consider the great risks that would arise for the sector if we continued to insist on the idea of ​​a large import of rice or the continuation of auctions. This could bring insecurity to the sector and even a threat to the size of the rice planted area for the next harvest", he observes.

The Rio Grande do Sul rice harvest, according to data from the Rio Grandense Rice Institute (Irga), was 7,16 million tons. A Conab survey shows that production across the country was 10,39 million tons, with average consumption by Brazilians in recent years of 10,44 million tons. According to Federarroz, this production with the volume already imported by private companies guarantees consumer food security in the national market.

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