Rains benefit wheat crops in RS, but cloudiness limits production cycle

Precipitation restores soil moisture and favors crop development, while smoke from fires reduces sunlight and affects ear growth

12.09.2024 | 17:36 (UTC -3)
Cultivar Magazine

Wheat crops in Rio Grande do Sul are developing well, with 43% still in the vegetative phase, while 38% are flowering and 19% are in grain filling. The rains of September 4 were beneficial, restoring soil moisture and favoring the production cycle. Before the rainfall, there were initial signs of water deficiency in some areas, but without significant damage. The information is from Emater/RS.

The presence of cloudiness, caused by smoke from fires in the North and Center-West of the country, reduced the incidence of sunlight on the plantations, which attenuated the positive effects of solar radiation. Frosts in August had a slight impact on plants in the reproductive phase, without harming their production potential.

The cultivated area, of 1.312.488 hectares, has an expected productivity of 3.100 kg/ha. The regions managed by Emater/RS have been closely monitoring pests and diseases, especially those associated with variable climate conditions, such as leaf spot, rust and powdery mildew. Phytosanitary treatment is constant, with a focus on preventing diseases such as head blight, particularly in crops in the reproductive phase.

In the Bagé region, on the Western Border, the 141.550 hectares of wheat are showing good development, with emphasis on management against powdery mildew and head blight. However, in Maçambará, 30% of the crops are underperforming due to deficiencies in nitrogen fertilization, a result of the drought in July. The areas with the best performance reach 40%, and 30% have intermediate results. In Campanha, the production potential is around 2.600 kg/ha, affected by excess humidity and lack of solar radiation.

In the Caxias do Sul region, crops are in the tillering phase, with production potential above initial expectations. In Erechim, half of the crops are in vegetative development and the other half in the reproductive phase, with an expected productivity of 3.600 kg/ha, despite slight impacts from frost. Frederico Westphalen is also showing good development, with 40% of the crops in flowering and 20% in grain filling. The frosts had mild effects, and the projected productivity is 3.450 kg/ha.

In Ijuí, approximately 50% of the crops are in the ear-emitting phase, with rains partially restoring soil moisture. In Passo Fundo, 65% of the plantations are in the booting phase and 10% are in flowering, with a production potential of 3.600 kg/ha. The phytosanitary status is considered satisfactory in both regions, with continuous monitoring of pests and diseases.

In the Pelotas region, 90% of crops are in the vegetative development phase, with rain and low nighttime temperatures favoring growth. Santa Maria also shows good development, with more than 50% of crops in the reproductive phase and productivity close to 3 kg/ha.

In Santa Rosa, 23% of the crops are in grain filling and 54% in flowering, with an expected yield of 3.300 kg/ha. Despite the frosts in August, the dry weather and low temperatures benefited the phytosanitary status of the crops, with monitoring of powdery mildew and aphids.

The state productivity forecast remains optimistic, and appropriate management is underway to ensure the best possible yield in the harvest.

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