Organic fruit production is the topic of Embrapa's EAD course

Free training is aimed at multiplier agents with an affinity for the topic, especially agronomists, agricultural technicians and technical assistance and rural extension agents interested in the organic cultivation of fruit trees; Registration is now open

04.11.2022 | 13:58 (UTC -3)

Registration is now open for the new free online course in Embrapa's Virtual Learning Environment, called e-Campo. “Soil preparation and management for organic production of fruit trees” aims to provide participants with the acquisition of knowledge necessary for correct soil preparation and management in organic tropical fruit systems. Offered on an ongoing basis, the training is aimed at multiplier agents with an affinity for the topic, especially agronomists, agricultural technicians and technical assistance and rural extension agents interested in the organic cultivation of fruit trees.

The modules are divided into six subjects: Importance of soil and organic matter, Soil sampling for chemical, physical and biological analyses, Basic principles in soil management and conservation, Mechanization in soil preparation in organic systems, Vegetable covers and green manure in organic cultivation and Liming and plastering.

For Aldo Vilar Trindade, deputy head of Technology Transfer, the new course consolidates the work of Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura in the e-Campo community that began in 2020. “Organic production is a topic with a high content of innovation, of high added value, with high potential for innovation. Our team is very happy to carry out this delivery and expects that, like the others, this course will make a fundamental contribution to anyone who wants to enter the organic fruit growing sector”, he states. This is the fourth Embrapa Mandioca and Fruticulture course on the e-Campo platform. The previous ones are: “Irrigation of banana trees: water needs of the crop”, “Irrigation methods and systems for banana trees” and “Introduction to production strategies for cassava planting materials – Reniva”.

The content of the training was researchers Ana Lúcia Borges, Francisco Alisson da Silva Xavier and José Eduardo Borges de Carvalho, all from Embrapa, and professor Marcos Roberto da Silva, from the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB).

Self-instructional, the course uses the Moodle platform and displays the content without tutoring and in video classes with complementary material available in links to books and presentations. There will be a learning assessment (objective multiple-choice questions), which must be completed after completing the classes and reading the supplementary material. The participant will have 30 days to complete the training, counting from the date of registration.


Course: Soil Preparation and Management for Organic Fruit Production

Format: online, free and asynchronous

Duration: 32 hours



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