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By 2040, the new technologies to be made available by Brazilian sugarcane science could increase the sector's average productivity by 33%, going from 75 tons per hectare to 100 tons per hectare. The projection is Sugarcane Technology Center (CTC).
Productivity growth could generate an additional 22 million CBIos (Biofuel Decarbonization Credit) in the period.
Created in 2017, the National Biofuel Policy (Renovabio) is helping the country to achieve the targets for reducing CO2 emissions. Each CBIo represents a ton of CO2 that is no longer emitted when compared to fossil fuel. The decarbonization target set by the Government for the year 2023 is 37,47 million CBIs.
According to the CTC Sustainability Report, the increase in productivity could prevent the expansion of around 3 million hectares of planting, which represent 36% of the sugarcane area that should be harvested in Brazil in the current harvest (8,410 million hectares ), also reducing the consumption of diesel, pesticides and fertilizers.
“Our technologies are focused on the development of genetic improvement, biotechnology, planting solutions from the Sementes project, among other disruptive techniques for the sugar-energy sector”, says Denise Francisco, CTC's financial and investor relations director.
According to Denise, by developing new technologies that provide greater efficiency in the production of food and clean energy, the CTC contributes to the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the Brazilian economy, reducing the environmental impact of sugarcane farming. Investing in your productivity with better varieties brings a lot of benefit to the environment.
The CTC Sustainability Report (harvests 20/21 and 21/22) provides data on the situation in the sugar-energy sector and its growth potential:
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