Ministry of Agriculture establishes National Asian Soybean Rust Control Program

Initiative aims to strengthen the soybean agricultural production system, bringing together plant health defense strategies

04.07.2024 | 16:28 (UTC -3)
Photo: Disclosure
Photo: Disclosure

The Ministry of Agriculture (Mapa) published Ordinance No. 1.124, which establishes the National Program for the Control of Asian Soybean Rust (PNCFS), replacing Ordinance No. 865. The PNCFS aims to strengthen the soybean agricultural production system, bringing together actions plant health defense strategies supported by agricultural research and technical assistance in disease prevention and control.

According to the Department of Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs of the Secretariat of Agricultural Defense (SDA), the fundamental principles of the sanitary void and soybean sowing calendar were maintained, however, among the main changes brought about by the new ordinance, greater clarity in the definition of the sowing calendar period and the possibility of changing the periods of both the calendar and the sanitary void, as long as it is based on official data, scientific research or environmental conditions.

Another important change concerns soybean cultivation on an exceptional basis, that is, within the sanitary void period or after the sowing calendar. These crops, although they continue to be authorized by the State Plant Health Defense Bodies (OEDSV), from now on must also have their purposes approved by the OEDSV, which must communicate to the DSV, at each harvest, all the purposes approved in the respective unit of the federation.

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