Properties in Mato Grosso host field day with a focus on sustainability

SIA participates in the Sustainable Rural Project in the Cerrado biome, which has international funding

06.07.2022 | 14:10 (UTC -3)
Ieda Risco/AgroEffective

Of the 32 rural properties in Mato Grosso, which participate in the Sustainable Rural Project - Cerrado, five of them will host field days in July. Topics such as sustainable management, environmental education and other strategies for implementing sustainable and integrated agriculture, agroforestry systems, recovery and management of degraded pastures, will be discussed in lectures during the events and observed in practice.

For this cycle of field days, Demonstration Units were selected, that is, reference properties that already have some low carbon emission technology implemented. Thus, field days will be held on two properties in Itiquira, one in Água Boa, one in Pedra Preta and one in Tangará da Serra.

Technicians from SIA - Agribusiness Intelligence Service, began visiting properties in Mato Grosso at the end of May. Amir Sessim, Technical supervisor at SIA, is the coordinator of the group made up of four professionals. “We are currently finishing the first face-to-face visits and starting the second round of face-to-face meetings”, he reports. According to him, these are the initial actions of the project that serve to diagnose the Demonstration Units (DUs) and form an adaptation plan for certification.

The stage that includes the UDs has a 12-month schedule of actions with producers and began with the diagnosis of the property and establishment of a work plan focused on sustainability. After that, in-person and virtual monitoring and consultancy actions will be carried out until the final report is delivered, in the last month of the project. The general goal is to reach 170 producers divided into 101 municipalities, covering, in addition to Mato Grosso, the States of Goiás, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul. Furthermore, the PRS will cover other agents, such as socio-productive organizations, educational institutions and public managers.

The Sustainable Rural Project – Cerrado is financed by Technical Cooperation approved by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), with resources from the United Kingdom Government's International Climate Financing and has the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) as an institutional beneficiary. The Brazilian Institute for Development and Sustainability (IABS) is responsible for the execution and administration of the project and the Associação Rede ILPF, through Embrapa, is responsible for scientific coordination and technical support.  

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