Soy void begins in Rio Grande do Sul and continues until September 30
For the next 90 days, soybean farmers in Rio Grande do Sul are prohibited from keeping soybean plants alive at any stage of development
With an estimate of producing wheat on 1.312.488 hectares in Rio Grande do Sul, in recent days planting has advanced and reached 69% of the area projected for the State in this harvest. Progressing more slowly in regions with higher relative humidity in the air and soil and more intensely where there was no rain, wheat planting is delayed, but, according to Emater/RS, there is a prospect of completion within the period defined in the Agricultural Climate Risk Zoning (Zarc).
The low temperatures in this phase are favorable for the expression of high productive potential of wheat, whose last implemented crops present better emergence and plant stand. Frost favors the health of the crop, reducing the incidence of insects and diseases. In relation to the control of foliar diseases, preventive applications began. There was a need for a second chemical management to control plants in the areas where desiccation was carried out in early June.
With an estimated cultivation of 365.590 hectares in the 2024 Harvest, the implementation of white oats was completed, with a delay in relation to what was planned by the producers, due to the recurrence of rain in the period and the lack of sun. On the other hand, this situation, in general, should not impact the crop's production ceilings. In the administrative region of Emater/RS of Frederico Westphalen, the sowing of white oats has ended, with around 70% in the germination and vegetative development stages, 20% in flowering, and 10% in grain filling. In relation to phytosanitary management, the low temperatures in the last days of the period reduced aphid infestation, which is no longer a problem. However, in many crops, especially those with more advanced development, the incidence of rust is quite worrying.
Canola - the estimated harvest for canola in RS is 134.975 hectares. In the administrative region of Emater/RS de Bagé, it is 17.040 hectares. In Itacurubi, only 25% of the total planned area of 1.980 hectares was implemented, due to the 220 mm of rain recorded in June. Many producers are giving up the crop to plant wheat, whose planting period, according to Zarc, ends in approximately three weeks.
In the Santa Maria region, the estimated planting of canola is 29.326 hectares. The significant growth in the area is attributed to the incentive of cooperatives to plant canola, combined with the favorable price on the market and the lower implementation cost compared to wheat. In Tupanciretã, there is the largest planted area in the region, totaling 13.253 hectares; in second place is Capão do Cipó, with 7 thousand hectares. All crops in these municipalities have been planted, but face challenges due to excessive rain and eroded soils. It is estimated that more than 90% of the area destined for canola has been planted in the region.
Barley - the initial projection for cultivation of the crop is 34.429 hectares. In the administrative region of Emater/RS de Erechim, of the planned area of 12.460 hectares, 80% are planted and in the emergence and beginning of vegetative growth phases. The expected price contracted by the brewing industry is 15% above the value of wheat, which is around R$75,00/sc. of 60 kg.
In the Frederico Westphalen region, the 1.460 hectares destined for cultivation this harvest are in the vegetative phase and are showing satisfactory development. The high levels of soil moisture favored efficient top-dressing of nitrogen fertilization, an important operation, as later applications tend to increase the protein content in the grains, which is undesirable by malthouses.
Soybean - the cultivated area in the State is estimated at 6.681.716 hectares, and the state average productivity is 2.923 kg/ha. In the administrative region of Emater/RS de Ijuí, the formation of frost, on 30/06 (Sunday), in the morning helped to eliminate spontaneous plants from crops, avoiding the use of chemical products to keep them free of green plants during the period of sanitary void for soybeans, established through ordinance SDA/Mapa nº 1.111 (13/05/2024), which starts on 03/07 and extends until 30/09/2024.
In the Pelotas region, producers continue to place beef cattle and sheep for grazing in areas with established forage plants – mainly ryegrass –, where there were soybean crops. There are many reports of producers who decided to hand over leased areas without paying the agreed amounts. Producers who suffered significant losses due to adverse weather conditions took advantage of agricultural insurance. Those who do not have secured crops are renegotiating their debts with cereal companies, financial agents and other harvest financiers and postponing debt settlement until future harvests.
Corn - the harvest is technically closed in the State. In the administrative region of Emater/RS of Ijuí, producers are awaiting information from the 2024/2025 Harvest Plan to forward crop financing projects. In the Santa Rosa region, the search for and forwarding of pre-funding for the 2024/2025 Harvest continues, which should begin in the region from the end of July and beginning of August. Producers maintain the green cover for nutrient cycling and nitrogen fixation in the crops that will receive the crop in the next harvest.
French Fries - in the Passo Fundo region, potatoes are in full harvest, reaching 70% of the 600 hectares of cultivated area in Ibiraiaras. The harvested product is of low quality and reduced in size, due to excessive rainfall, resulting in an approximate 40% drop in production. The price paid to farmers also suffered a reduction due to the intense harvest during the period. A 50-kilo bag of pink potatoes costs R$200,00; The white type costs R$ 260,00. According to local businesses, these products have low acceptance in the consumer market.
Beet - in the Lajeado region, in Feliz, the crop is in full harvest and showing good quality. Cultivation is carried out in a staggered manner, so many producers are able to produce and harvest for longer. There were no reports of significant phytosanitary problems during the harvest. However, some areas were affected by excessive rain. The price of the product varies between R$3,50 and R$4,00/kg.
Onion - in the Passo Fundo region, the crop is at the beginning of the growing season. Seedlings present problems with bacteriosis due to excessive rainfall. However, farmers who use the direct planting technique are preparing the soil to start planting in the coming weeks. An increase in the cultivation area is estimated for this harvest, with growth expected between 5% and 10% in relation to 2023, totaling approximately 160 hectares in Ibiraiaras. In Pelotas, producers continue to prepare and sow the beds (nurseries) for the production of seedlings, whose transplantation will be carried out in an attempt to recover the losses that occurred during the rainy season. Although there is some reseeding initiative, there is an expectation of a reduction in the area to be transplanted.
Peach – in the administrative region of Emater/RS of Caxias do Sul, perseculturists are finalizing the areas for the establishment of new orchards, as the time to receive new seedlings approaches. Regarding cultural practices, farmers are applying flowering treatments in orchards of early varieties, adding amino acids to minimize damage caused by the cold. Winter pruning is being completed for intermediate varieties. The early PS, Kampai and Rubimel varieties are flowering and, in some orchards, beginning to bear fruit. Treatments are being carried out preventively for brown rot in varieties that are already flowering.
Olive - in the administrative region of Emater/RS de Bagé, in the municipality of Bagé and nearby, olive groves have good sanitary conditions due to preventive treatments with fungicides, carried out in autumn, before the period of heavy rain. At the moment, the application of fertilizers has been halted, due to the reduction in the physiological activity of plants. The resumption is scheduled for August, aiming to stimulate the budding and setting of flowers. In some areas, pruning is being carried out; Some producers opt for biannual pruning as a way of optimizing labor. The potential of the orchards is considered satisfactory, due to the abundant vegetation developed during the months of last summer, the winter forecast with low temperatures, which favor flower induction, and the spring, with below-average rainfall volumes, which benefits the flowering/pollination phase. In Pelotas, the crop is in the period of pruning poorly positioned branches in the tree canopy, as well as diseased branches and twigs. Producers in the region continue to carry out winter treatments.
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