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Brazilian producers are expected to harvest 315,8 million tons in the 2022/2023 grain harvest. The new estimate from the National Supply Company (Conab), released this Tuesday (13/06), points to a new production record that could record a growth of 15,8%, which represents a volume of 43,2 million tons higher than estimated in the previous cycle, as revealed by the 9th Grain Harvest Survey. According to the document, the area allocated for planting shows a growth of 4,8% in relation to the 2021/22 cycle, being estimated at 78,1 million hectares.
“This estimate marks a record in grain production in our country, reaffirming the agricultural field as a fundamental sector for Brazilian development”, highlights the president of Conab, Edegar Pretto. "We will maintain and improve Conab's intelligence work, focused on Brazilian agriculture", he added.
Soy stands out with the greatest growth in this cycle. With the harvest practically completed, reaching 99,9% of the sown area, the estimate is a volume of 155,7 million tons. The result exceeds last season's production by 24%, that is, around 30,2 million tons more harvested. Mato Grosso, the main producing state, records a new record for the oilseed harvest, with production estimated at 45,6 million tons. Bahia is also a highlight with the highest productivity in the country with 4.020 kg/ha. “In both cases, the result is a reflection of the good technological package and favorable weather conditions in this cycle”, highlights Conab's Crop Monitoring Manager, Fabiano Vasconcellos.
For corn, the projection is also for a new record with production estimated at 125,7 million tons, adding the 3 harvests of the cereal throughout the cycle, it is 11,1% above the volume produced in 2021/22, which represents 12,6 million tons. In the grain's first harvest, the harvest is almost complete with a production of 27,1 million tons. For the second harvest, in the initial harvest phase, production is estimated at 96,3 million tons. “The climatic conditions have been favorable for the development of the culture so far”, ponders Vasconcellos.
Another important 2nd harvest crop, cotton has an estimated harvest of 2,98 million tons of lint alone. The crops are developing well, and the apple formation and maturation stages predominate, with harvesting already started in areas of Bahia and Mato Grosso do Sul. For rice, the expectation is that around 10 million tons will be harvested in 2022/23 harvest. As for beans, production of around 3 million tons is expected, adding up the three legume crops.
Among winter crops, wheat stands out. The sown area of the cereal already reaches 46,9% in the country, which represents a growth of 9,7% in the planted area, with the crop reaching 3,4 million hectares, resulting in a production of 9,8 millions of tons.
In this 9th survey, Conab maintained stable the projections of the supply framework for the 2022/23 harvest for the main products analyzed. As a result, a record volume is still expected for international sales of corn and soybeans in the country. The good projected production volumes for corn and soybeans in Brazil allow shipments of around 95,6 million tons for the oilseed and 48 million tons for the cereal. “However, it is still necessary to be aware of some important external factors such as the North American harvest, which may still be impacted by climate issues, as well as demand from the Chinese market, the possibility of a global recession, among other factors that affect the prices and demand for products”, analyzes the Company’s Manager of Economic Studies, Statistics and Agricultural Policy, Allan Silveira.
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