Microgeo announces new product manager
The agronomist will have the mission of improving the development of Microgeo and the company's new product launches
Surveys of agricultural production costs within the Campo Futuro 2024 Project will begin in June, in Santa Catarina. The initiative, from the Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA), with the support of the Faesc/Senar System and Rural Unions, continues until August with panels involving six production chains in eight municipalities in the state.
The events bring together rural producers, technicians from CNA and the Faesc/Senar System, leaders of Rural Unions and other representatives of the production chains involved. The objective is to understand the costs that most impact producers' economic results, how to manage them and evaluate which indicators are important for monitoring.
The meetings are in person and virtual and aim to raise the production costs of the following activities: corn, soy and wheat (Xanxerê and Campos Novos); rice (Araranguá), pig farming - UPD integration (Seara); pig farming - UT integration (Seara); broiler chicken (Chapecó, Canoinhas and Itapiranga) and apple (São Joaquim).
The president of the Faesc/Senar System, José Zeferino Pedrozo, highlights that the Campo Futuro project is essential to promote detailed surveys of production costs in the most varied segments of agribusiness in different regions of the state. “By enabling an in-depth diagnosis of the reality experienced by rural producers, the panels provide accurate information about production costs. This strengthens the sector's representative entities and contributes to the development of targeted and efficient public policies. In this way, it is possible to contribute to a promising and sustainable future for Santa Catarina’s agriculture.”
The result of the cost survey is presented at the end of the panel, when technical and economic analyzes of agricultural activity are carried out, in addition to discussions on the current market scenario and trends. Using this information, producers will be able to clearly identify which adjustments and investments are necessary to optimize their businesses, ensuring greater efficiency and competitiveness.
Based on the data collected and monthly cost monitoring, CNA has worked with public authorities to propose measures with the aim of avoiding increased costs, improving insurance tools and expanding access to credit, among others.
Cost survey panels for 31 agricultural activities will take place until July across the country, through panels that will be held in 20 states and 119 municipalities, in partnership with state federations, producers, Rural Unions, universities and research centers.
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