Frosts should not cause significant impacts on winter crops in Rio Grande do Sul

This Thursday's Economic Information (22) indicates that the crops are flowering and filling with grains

22.08.2024 | 17:10 (UTC -3)
Adriane Bertoglio Rodrigues

The intense variation in temperature, observed in recent weeks, caused stress in areas cultivated with canola and which are beginning to flower in Rio Grande do Sul. Crops in flowering and grain filling located in lower areas were affected by frosts, although It is not yet possible to accurately assess the damage. 

According to the Economic Information, released today by Emater/RS, management work continued, including the spraying of fungicides and insecticides on canola crops sown early, as well as the application of herbicides to control weeds in crops. sown at a later period. For this winter harvest, Emater/RS projects 134.975 hectares cultivated with canola in the State, and initial productivity is 1.679 kg/ha.

Wheat: The occurrence of frosts, followed by increased temperatures, provided favorable conditions for the vegetative development of wheat crops, especially those sown at the end of the recommended planting window. However, for crops in the reproductive phase, sown in early June, this weather phenomenon may have caused damage that could affect flowering and grain formation.

The assessment of consequences can only be carried out when the plants reach the maturation stage. Of the crops, 83% are in vegetative development and 17% are in sprouting/flowering. In general, the health of wheat crops is satisfactory. The area cultivated with wheat in RS, according to data from Emater/RS, is 1.312.488 hectares, and the predicted productivity is 3.100 kg/ha.

White oats: the formation of frost was also favorable for the vegetative development of white oats. However, in the northwest of the state, where part of the crops are in more advanced reproductive stages, the phenomenon may have caused damage to some plots, such as flower abortion, which results in a reduced number of seeds in the ears. However, it is not yet possible to assess whether there has been a loss of productivity. As temperatures rose, producers intensified monitoring to detect insects, especially aphids. For this white oat harvest, Emater/RS estimates an area of ​​365.590 hectares for grain production, with an average productivity of 2.402 kg/ha.

Barley: Some specific areas sown at the beginning of the planting window – in the flowering phase – are receiving special attention from producers due to potential damage caused by frost, which occurred between 12 and 14/08. However, expectations in regions with greater production remain in line with the initial projection, especially in crops sown at the end of the planting window, which show excellent development. The cultivation projection is 34.429 hectares, and productivity is 3.245 kg/ha.

Pastures: Winter pastures demonstrate an increase in vegetative performance in response to favorable weather conditions. However, despite the recovery, forage supply has not yet reached ideal levels. The native field still has low forage quality and volume, due to the cold and the occurrence of frosts in almost the entire State.

Beekeeping: In the administrative region of Emater/RS de Bagé, weather conditions favored the movement of bees in search of nectar and pollen. In the municipality of Bagé, producers took advantage of the dry weather to access apiaries, recovering boxes and frames and replacing laminated wax. In Caxias do Sul, the scarcity of flowers reduced nectar production, inhibiting the laying of queens and reducing the bee population.

In Erechim, the flowering of citrus species and other plants that offer nectar and pollen has begun, but bee movement is still low, due to the reduction in hive populations, a consequence of an unfavorable previous year. In Porto Alegre, beekeepers who practice migratory beekeeping collected the hives, and the estimated drop in productivity should be between 50% and 70%. In Santa Rosa, the sunny and dry weather favored the movement of bees, which took advantage of the flowering of canola and turnip for foraging. In Soledade, the lack of flowering at this time of year requires the adoption of artificial feeding to avoid the loss of swarms.

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