Federal Government extends deadline for requesting debt discounts for producers from Rio Grande do Sul

Now, producers have until September 30th to apply

11.09.2024 | 16:24 (UTC -3)
Ministry of Agriculture
Photo: Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil
Photo: Rafa Neddermeyer/Agência Brasil

The Federal Government published Decree No. 12.170/2024, amending Decree No. 12.138, which regulates the granting of discounts on rural credit operations for financing, investment and industrialization contracted by producers from Rio Grande do Sul who suffered material losses due to the heavy rains that occurred this year. The Decree was published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) this Tuesday (10). 

The publication extends until September 30 the deadline for rural producers in Rio Grande do Sul to request discounts on rural credit installments for settlement or renegotiation of debts, with all necessary documents, from the financial institution holding the credit. 

With this change, other changes come into effect. Financial institutions will have until October 3, 2024, after receiving the requests and documentation, to forward the separate lists according to the classification of the producer's operations to the Municipal Councils for Sustainable Rural Development (CMDRS). 

The CMDRS must validate, or not, the requested loss percentages and forward them by October 17, 2024. If included in the decree, the validation result must reach producers by October 24, with information about the deadline of October 30 for carrying out the settlement or renegotiation. 

Cases in which producers request discounts for losses equal to or above 60% must be sent to the Special Commission for Analysis of Rural Credit Operations of Rio Grande do Sul by October 3. If the request is denied, financial institutions also have until that date to inform. 

Also according to the new decree, the Special Commission for Analysis of Rural Credit Operations of Rio Grande do Sul must publish by November 20, on the website of the Extraordinary Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic for Support to the Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul, the list of producers and the respective discounts granted and forward it to the financial institutions, with the other documents received. 

With the lists published, the financial institution must communicate, by November 25, the result of the analysis by the Special Commission for Analysis of Rural Credit Operations of Rio Grande do Sul and inform the deadline of November 27, 2024 for carrying out the liquidation or renegotiation provided for in this Decree. Previously, the deadlines were November 11 and 15. 

The decree also makes it clear which operations covered by rural insurance cannot be included in the discounts, such as Proagro or with coverage of any insurance of goods and rural production, as long as the insurance applies to the operation or to the rural credit installments, and is registered in the Rural Credit and Proagro Operations System - Sicor, are excluded from the measures, according to the text. 

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