FPA President participates in Brazilian mission to Asia in search of new investments

Federal deputy Alceu Moreira (MDB-RS), president of the Agricultural Parliamentary Front (FPA), participates in the trip with minister Tereza Cristina

21.05.2019 | 20:59 (UTC -3)
FPA Agency

Strengthen commercial and diplomatic ties between Brazilian agriculture and Asian countries. This was the main objective of the mission of the Delegation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), which has already visited Japan, China and Vietnam and will continue, this Monday (20), to Indonesia. Federal deputy Alceu Moreira (MDB-RS), president of the Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA), participates in the trip with minister Tereza Cristina.

“Brazil needs, without a shadow of a doubt, to rebuild its commercial and diplomatic ties with Asian countries,” said Moreira, highlighting that the objective is to work with them in investing in transport logistics, energy, infrastructure works, insurance agriculture and research.

According to the president of the FPA, the fact that Brazil has a front that has 270 deputies out of a total of 513 is a great incentive for Asians, who perceive the guarantee of a majority in Parliament to deal with issues of common interest.

For Moreira, agreements must take into account the interests of both countries. “Brazil is a country capable of producing, increasing its planted area very little, two to three times its production capacity. The Japanese know that the future of Asia depends on supplies coming from our country.”

On the other hand, he added, Japan has negative interest rates and the ability to make medium and long-term investments that Brazil does not have. “They want guaranteed food security. They want Brazil to be a healthy and competitive country, a source of food production for its communities.”

“The Brazilian Executive, Parliament and Brazilian businesspeople must have a single voice in rebuilding this great journey with the Asian community. We don’t just want them as customers, but as partners, so that they can work on complete production arrangements”, concluded the president of FPA.

Federal deputy Luiz Nishimori (PR-PR), vice-president of the FPA's southern region, was also part of the delegation and celebrated the results of minister Tereza Cristina's conversations with her Agriculture colleague, Takamori Yoshikawa. “They discussed opening the Japanese market to import fresh meat and avocados. But other tropical fruits such as mango and melon can also be exported.”

In a series of meetings with authorities and investors in China, on the second leg of the official trip, deputy Zé Vitor (PL-MG), member of the FPA, stated that the country is a great commercial partner and it is necessary to expand these relations. “We are talking about a consumer market that has more than one billion and three hundred million inhabitants. We want to move forward with the export of meat and coffee from the Cerrado.”

For him, the expansion of bilateral relations with Asian countries will allow further development of agribusiness and, consequently, the appreciation of the sector, thus benefiting rural producers. “Where we have challenges, we need to overcome them and where there are opportunities, we need to take advantage of them”, said the deputy.

In the third stage of the mission to Asia, Minister Tereza Cristina met with the Ministers of Agriculture and Rural Development, Xuan Cuong, and the Prime Minister of Vietnam, Nguyen Xuân Phúc. The agenda of the meeting was the opening of the market for new Brazilian products, such as melon and live cattle. There were also discussions about cotton, soybeans and corn, products for which demand in Vietnam is quite high.

The Brazilian mission in Asia is a MAPA initiative to open new markets for Brazilian products, such as fruit, meat, milk and coffee, in addition to maintaining and expanding the agribusiness export agenda.

The following members of the FPA also participated in the delegation: deputies Zé Silva (SD-MG), Domingos Sávio (PSDB-MG), Hildo Rocha (MDB-MA), Aline Sleutjes (PSL-PR), Luis Miranda (DEM -DF), Luisa Canziani (PTB-PR), Marcelo Aro (PP-MG) and Betinho Rosado (PP-RN).

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