Embrapa Cassava and Fruit Culture demonstrates technologies at the Coopavel Rural Show

Banana and cassava are the crops focused on by the unit during the event, which takes place in Cascavel, Paraná

07.02.2022 | 10:54 (UTC -3)
Lea Cunha

In another edition of Coopavel Rural Show, which takes place from February 7th to 11th, in Cascavel, Paraná, the Embrapa Cassava and Fruit Growing is present with the presentation of various technologies on cassava and bananas. Experiments with cassava (table and industrial varieties) were installed in the technological showcase of the event, whose main objective is to disseminate technologies aimed at increasing the productivity of small, medium and large rural properties. There will also be a launch of the distance course on the Reniva (Network for multiplication and transfer of cassava seed stalks with genetic and phytosanitary quality).

The Unit's team will be made up of researchers Rudiney Ringenberg e Marcelo romano, who operate in the advanced field of Embrapa Cassava and Fruit Culture in the Center-South of the country, located at Embrapa Soja (PR), and Ildos Parizotto, analyst in the Technology Transfer Management Sector. The technologies that will be exposed are:

Technological showcase

 Launched in 2016, BRS CS01 is a cassava cultivar for the industry, recommended for the south/southeast regions of Mato Grosso do Sul, northwest and extreme west of Paraná. In the evaluations, its biggest difference was due to its characteristics related to productivity. In the first cycle (harvest at ten months), root productivity was at least 31% higher than that of varieties traditionally planted in the region; and in the second cycle (harvest at 18 months), the increase recorded was around 93%.

In terms of diseases, the cultivar is similar to those most planted in relation to bacteriosis and anthracnose and less susceptible to overstretching. Its size is straight, allowing mechanized planting, and the high soil coverage requires fewer weedings, reducing costs. Furthermore, BRS CS01 is the first cassava variety suitable for direct planting, which adds sustainability to the crop's production systems.

 Launched in 2015, BRS 399 is a table cassava cultivar with yellow pulp and high productivity, reaching 70 t/ha. The architecture of the little-branched plant favors cultural practices. It presents moderate resistance to bacteriosis and overstretching. Due to its precocity, BRS 399 should preferably be harvested 8 to 12 months after planting.

It is recommended for the Federal District and surrounding areas, as well as for Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, and is best suited for planting in medium to high fertility soils. The cooking time for the roots is reduced, and the dough has a floury texture, characteristic flavor and absence of fiber, culinary characteristics considered positive. This cultivar was selected from a collection of hybrids from Embrapa Cerrados (DF). 

 Launched in 2020, BRS 420 was also selected from a collection of Embrapa Cerrados clones and evaluated for several years in the main production hubs of Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul by the Embrapa Cassava and Fruticulture team. BRS 420 is a cassava cultivar for industrial use, suitable for use in direct planting.

It presents significant superiority to the varieties most used in these regions in terms of root and starch productivity, both in the first and second cycle. In addition to having moderate resistance to bacteriosis, overstretching and anthracnose, it has a straight shape, which favors cultural treatments, harvesting and the production of branches for planting.

Agroecological teaching unit

 This system has a lot to contribute to family farming, especially agroecological farming, as the principle is the diversification of crops in the same area, increasing the balance of the environment, productivity and income for the producer. Planting cassava in double rows is carried out as follows: two rows of cassava spaced 0,50 m apart, where the plants in the row are also spaced 0,50 m apart; and, between one double row and another, the spacing is 2,00 m.

In the 2,00 m interval, intercrops can be used, such as corn, beans or green manure. The advantage is that, in addition to providing income with the intercrop, there are benefits for the main crop, as it prevents the emergence of weeds and soil erosion while cassava does not cover the area. This system can be used both with table cassava and in industry. 

Embrapa House

 Quality seedlings or seeds are the main agricultural input to sustain production, when aiming to achieve optimal levels of productivity and longevity of the crop. The network for the multiplication and transfer of cassava seed stalks with genetic and phytosanitary quality, aimed at both small family farmers and large farmers in the main cassava producing regions throughout the national territory, aims to promote effective gains in quality and productivity in the cassava production system, by providing greater sustainability and competitiveness for this crop and making manioc stalks available in sufficient quantities during periods of greatest demand.

A publication will be presented in a booklet format, which deals with the production system and management of fields producing cassava propagative material, being a guiding document for those who propose to act as "maniveiros", new agents who prioritize the production of these materials with desirable quality. 

Digital Rural Show

With a workload of 30 hours, EAD, which will be made available on Embrapa's distance learning platform (e-Campo), will be launched during the event and is divided into four modules, covering the following themes: production of cassava planting materials; alternative techniques for multiplying planting material; health and agronomic management in the crop; and structuring and registration of the Reniva Network.

At the end of the course, participants should understand the guiding principles of the Reniva Network necessary to produce cassava planting materials on a large scale, free from pests and diseases and with proven genetic identity, verifying their potential as network agents.

 The two courses on the topic launched by Embrapa Mandioca and Fruticulture on the e-Campo platform will be presented: “Irrigation methods and systems for banana trees"and "Banana irrigation: crop water requirement”. The training is aimed especially at agricultural technicians and rural producers from all states in Brazil, who receive updated information on banana irrigation, a crop that is highly demanding on water. The need can vary from 8 thousand to 15 thousand m3 of water/cycle, depending on the variety and climatic conditions of the location.  

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