Product can be used in corn cultivation; is applied via foliar
19.06.2023 | 17:07 (UTC -3)
Diego Mendonca, Cultivar edition
Corteva Agriscience announced at a press conference Utrisha N, a biological nitrogen fixer. Approved for corn crops, the product is applied foliarly and allows the plant to obtain nitrogen throughout its life cycle through an unprecedented and innovative mode of action.
“Biological solutions respond to the challenges observed in agriculture in an innovative and at the same time simple way, as alternatives that can be used within the existing cultivation system”, highlights Cristiane Delic (in the video above), leader of Corteva Agriscience's biological portfolio for Brazil and Paraguay.
The executive emphasizes that the main difference of Utrisha N is the active presence of the bacteria throughout the entire culture cycle. “Inside the leaves, the Utrisha N bacteria allows atmospheric nitrogen to be fixed in a natural, efficient and controlled way, functioning as a complementary tool to nitrogen fertilization.”
According to information from Corteva, Utrisha N has a unique strain of the bacteria Methylobacterium symbioticum which enters through the stomata of the leaves and completely colonizes the plant within seven days after application. This bacteria converts the nitrogen available in the air into ammonium nitrogen for the plant, naturally improving its vitality and helping the crop reach its maximum growth and productivity potential.
Another important difference is that the nitrogen resulting from the action of Utrisha N is not susceptible to occurrences that are common in the traditional fertilization process, such as leaching (carrying nitrogen underground), volatilization (loss through evaporation of nutrients due to the action of temperature) and denitrification (transforming it into a gaseous state, caused by the action of bacteria).
The product is already sold in European countries, the United States, Mexico, Chile and Argentina, and underwent three years of field tests in Brazil before its launch.