Carrots and bananas see price drops in the country's wholesale markets

Contrary to carrots, other vegetables showed an upward movement in prices, mainly for potatoes and onions

18.11.2022 | 14:29 (UTC -3)
In contrast to carrots, other vegetables showed an upward movement in prices, mainly for potatoes and onions; Photo: Wenderson Araujo/CNA
In contrast to carrots, other vegetables showed an upward movement in prices, mainly for potatoes and onions; Photo: Wenderson Araujo/CNA

Carrots had lower prices in some of the country's wholesale markets in October, especially in the Supply Centers of Goiânia/GO (-12,76%), Rio Branco/AC (-10,55%) and Rio de Janeiro /RJ (-6,47%). The information is in the 11th Bulletin of the Brazilian Horticultural Market Modernization Program (Prohort), released by the National Supply Company (Conab), this Friday (18/11).

Even though there was a drop in the last month, the movement of low prices for carrots was not maintained in all markets. In the Ceasas of Brasília/DF (16,38%) and Recife/PE (4,12%) there was an increase. The increase in the supply of this crop is due to the recovery in production, especially in Minas Gerais. The Bulletin also highlights that the lowest levels of supply were between February and April, and in May it increased significantly, around 25%. The new levels appear to meet demand, as supply has remained practically constant since May, with prices declining.

In contrast to carrots, other vegetables showed an upward movement in prices, mainly for potatoes and onions. In the case of potatoes, even with greater supply in most wholesale markets, there was a significant drop in production sent from São Paulo and prices rose, reaching a maximum variation of 63,52% in Ceasa de Fortaleza/CE, followed by increase of 50,06% in Ceasa de São José/SC. As for onions, the 6% reduction in national supply compared to September, the constant and intense rains in producing areas that harm the harvest and international availability at this time do not allow imports to cover market demand. As a result, the increase reached 45,61% in Brasília/DF and 28,64% in Recife/PE. In addition to these, tomatoes also increased by 71,61% in Brasília/DF, by 60,56% in São José/SC and by 53,87% in Belo Horizonte/MG. This behavior of tomato prices is typical for the period, which is when there is less supply after the end of the winter harvest.


In the month of October, among the fruits analyzed, oranges, apples, papayas and watermelons showed price increases in most wholesale markets. The upward trend in general is still a reflection of the decrease in profitability last year, which caused a reduction in supply, in addition to climatic factors, most notably in the case of apples, a product that saw a reduction in the current harvest. Despite the general upward trend, banana prices saw a drop in prices considering the weighted average, favored by the month marked by regular demand, with almost stable prices in most Ceasas. Only for the dwarf variety did the movement increase, due to lower production this year. Even so, banana prices decreased especially in Fortaleza/CE (-30,13%) and Recife/PE (-13,60%), where bananas started to cost between R$1,07 and R$1,33 kilo, respectively.


Until October 2022, the accumulated numbers of Brazilian fruit exports were lower than shipments in the same period in 2021 – both in volume and revenue. The total exported was 785 thousand tons, 16,79% lower than the same period of the previous year, with revenues of around US$795 million, 14,54% below what was calculated until October 2021. According According to the Bulletin, this drop can be explained due to the high cost of production (freight and inputs) that influenced lower production, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, bad weather, post-pandemic slowdown and problems with logistics. The main fruits exported were mangos, melons, lemons and limes, watermelons and bananas. The highlight is the drop in apple exports, which in the year to date are 64,74% lower than what was observed in the same period last year.

The research for this edition was carried out based on the prices of Supply Centers located in São Paulo/SP, Belo Horizonte/MG, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Vitória/ES, Curitiba/PR, Goiânia/GO, Brasília/DF, Recife/ PE, Fortaleza/CE, Rio Branco/AC and Porto Alegre/RS. The entirety of 11th Prohort Bulletin can be accessed on the Company Portal. 

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