Canola presents satisfactory development in Rio Grande do Sul

The predominance of sunny days and mild temperatures also benefited wheat; the sown area, considered technically completed, reached 99%

01.08.2024 | 17:43 (UTC -3)
Cultivar Magazine, based on information from Adriane Bertoglio Rodrigues
Photo: José Schafer
Photo: José Schafer

The sequence of sunny days favored the development of canola crops in the main producing regions of Rio Grande do Sul. There was a partial recovery in areas that showed lower-than-expected development. Good weather conditions also benefited cultural practices. The information is from Emater/RS.

In the Santa Rosa region, several crops showed germination failures due to different sowing periods. However, areas sown from the beginning of June have an adequate population of plants, high vigor, good health and satisfactory development. There are expectations of good productivity.

With an initial estimate of average productivity of 1.679 kg of canola per hectare, cultivated on 134.975 hectares in the state, the lack of rain has raised concerns in the Western Border. In São Gabriel, only 2% of the planted area of ​​2,5 thousand hectares is in the flowering phase. In Manoel Viana, around 10% of the 5 thousand hectares cultivated are in flower. Many crops are still in the initial development phase due to delays in planting caused by excess moisture in the soil in June.

The predominance of sunny days and mild temperatures also benefited wheat. The sown area, considered technically complete, reached 99%, with only small areas remaining. Crops are developing adequately, mainly due to the increase in sunshine in the last two weeks. The health of the crops is satisfactory, with few occurrences of leaf spots and leaf rust. The wheat cultivated area is 1.312.488 hectares, and the predicted productivity is 3.100 kg/ha.

White oats, in turn, are recovering. Solar radiation, interspersed with weak but essential precipitation, contributed to the improvement of crops. The crop still needs more time for complete recovery due to the uneven size and color of the plants. Crops at more advanced stages may suffer negative impacts on productivity due to the reduced number of viable spikelets and unsatisfactory grain formation. The cultivated area of ​​white oats is 365.590 hectares, with productivity projected at 2.402 kg/ha.

Barley sowing has been completed. The harmful weather conditions at the beginning of development were offset by favorable weather in the second half of July, with periods of sun and occasional rain. The cultivation projection is 34.429 hectares, with productivity of 3.245 kg/ha. In the administrative region of Emater/RS de Erechim, the vegetative development phase predominates. Approximately 5% of barley areas are in the booting and heading phase. In Frederico Westphalen, crops are in the vegetative phase and are developing below expectations due to high humidity and low sunlight. In Soledade, the climate contributed to the recovery of plant height, especially in areas with adequate fertilizer management.

Cultural treatments related to the control of invasive plants and the application of nitrogen fertilizers as top dressing are being finalized. Fungicide treatments to control leaf spots remain ongoing. The dry period has been unfavorable for the development of diseases, resulting in good phytosanitary status of crops.

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