BNDES approved R$52,3 billion for agriculture in 2024

Compared to 2022, the approved volume was 92% higher

17.01.2025 | 14:09 (UTC -3)

The National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) approved, from January to December 2024, R$52,3 billion in financing for Brazilian agriculture, which represents a growth of 26% in relation to the R$41,5 billion approved in the previous year and 92% in comparison with the volume of approvals in 2022 (R$27,2 billion). The resources were allocated to rural producers, cooperatives, family farmers and agribusinesses, for financing and investment for various purposes, including expansion of production, acquisition of machinery and equipment, storage and innovation.

A total of 191.231 operations were carried out, 27,9% more than the 149.430 in 2023 and 60% more than in 2022 (119.304). The total includes both operations carried out directly by BNDES and those carried out through accredited financial institutions, which include loans from the Federal Government's Agricultural Programs (PAGFs), made available with lower interest rates — equalized by the National Treasury — and resources from the Social Fund.

“BNDES is one of the main supporters of the Brazilian agricultural sector, financing investments by both agribusinesses and small farmers and cooperatives. It is important to highlight that the increase in our agricultural credit is accompanied by public policies to promote a low-carbon economy and environmental preservation,” said BNDES president Aloizio Mercadante.

Of the R$52,3 billion approved, R$38,2 billion were allocated to 183.822 operations under the PAGFs, of which R$10,25 billion (57.001 operations) related to the second half of the 2023-2024 Harvest Plan (January to June 2024) and R$27,9 billion (126.821 operations) related to the first half of the 2024-2025 Harvest Plan (July to December 2024). It is also worth noting that, of the total approved in 2024, R$7,9 billion were made available through BNDES' own solutions, through 7.328 operations of the BNDES Rural Credit line.

Of the total volume of BNDES approvals for the agricultural sector in 2024, R$5,9 billion went to the State of Rio Grande do Sul in 3.523 operations through the BNDES Emergencial RS program, aimed at actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change and the resumption of economic activities in the state.

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