2021/2022 harvest had no summers in Mato Grosso

Even with the large volume of rain, losses caused by climatic factors were punctual

22.03.2022 | 13:46 (UTC -3)

The distribution of rain in the 2021/2022 harvest has been favorable to farmers in Mato Grosso. According to Agrometeorological Bulletin nº 17, released by Embrapa Agrossilvopastoril, to date, there have been no periods of summer in the state. Even with the large volume of rain, losses caused by climatic factors were occasional.

Available on the Embrapa Agrossilvopastoril website, the publication shows that the rains that began in the first ten days of September remained at satisfactory volumes until March 15, the period in which this bulletin is taken. A new edition will be prepared by researchers in June, after the end of the rainy season and the second harvest. With the regularity of the rains, soil water replenishment was achieved at the beginning of November and remained above the maximum level throughout the harvest.

According to data from the Embrapa Agrossilvopastoril meteorological station, this period recorded the highest total volume of rainfall in the last five years. Until March 15, 2.174,7 mm of rain was recorded. The highlight was the month of November, with 669 mm, the highest volume for this month in the historical series, and the second decade of February, with 334 mm. During this period, excessive rainfall harmed the harvest in already ready crops, causing occasional losses due to burnt grains.

In November, Embrapa Agrossilvopastoril had launched the first Agrometeorological Bulletin of this harvest. The document showed that the distribution of rain had favored the sowing and establishment of soybean crops in Mato Grosso.

Agrometeorological Bulletins

The 2021/2022 harvest is the sixth in a row in which researchers from Embrapa Agrossilvopastoril have monitored it through Agrometeorological Bulletins. Three documents are published for each agricultural cycle. The first is carried out in November and analyzes the sowing period of the first harvest. The second, published in March, portrays the development and harvesting of soybeans and the sowing of the second crop. The third bulletin is made in June and contains data from the remainder of the second harvest.

This publication is a service developed by Embrapa, upon demand from the productive sector, to provide technical information to producers and rural credit and financing institutions.  

All previous editions are available on Embrapa Agrossilvopastoral website, in the Library menu.

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