Potential of biological control in Brazilian cotton production
By Raul Porfirio de Almeida and Carlos Alberto Domingues da Silva, Embrapa Cotton
Deivid Sacon, Valéria C. Holtman and César M. de Oliveira (UFV); Maurício Silva Stefanelo and Guilherme Almeida Ohl (Ceres Consultoria Agronômica); Sérgio H. Brommonschenkel (UFV)
By Jacob Crosariol Netto and Guilherme Gomes Rolim (Instituto Mato Grosso do Algodão); Raphael de Campos Castilho (Esalq/USP); Eduardo Moreira Barros (Barros Plant Protection); and Daniela de Lima Viana (Comdeagro)
By Fabiano José Perina (Embrapa Algodão); Mônica Cagnin Martins (Ide Pesquisa); Luiz Gonzaga Chitarra and Alderi Emídio de Araújo (Embrapa Algodão); Lucas Henrique Fantin (Chapadão Foundation); José Wellingthon dos Santos (Embrapa Algodão); Alfredo Ricieri Dias (Agro Challenges) ...
The disease demands correct management, with the establishment of programs that favor more than one mode of action and the use of all available chemical groups in order to avoid the selection of less sensitive or resistant fungal isolates
Use of fungicides is an important control tool whenever associated with other management strategies; It is essential to direct efforts to prevent the selection of less sensitive or resistant fungal isolates
A common practice on farms, tank mixtures can cause problems such as clogging spray nozzles and even reducing the effectiveness of the products. When this process involves mixing biological insecticides with chemical pesticides, the effects on the control performance of caterpillars in cotton crops can become even more evident.