All support to agriculture

By José Zeferino Pedrozo, president of the Agriculture and Livestock Federation of the State of Santa Catarina

02.01.2025 | 13:43 (UTC -3)

Complexity seems to be the term that best defines the new times. Advances in science and technology bring about changes and transformations in all areas of human activity and in all sectors of the economy. At the domestic level, some changes are revolutionary, dystopian and disruptive.

On the external front, endless armed conflicts are disrupting important supply chains, disrupting international trade and putting the planet on alert, while a climate and environmental crisis is ravaging every continent.   

Agriculture in Santa Catarina – an expression of the primary sector of the economy – is fully affected by these influences, as it is a sensitive area with intense technological application. Here, scientific knowledge and its rational use by rural entrepreneurs, producers and rural entrepreneurs result in increased production, productivity and the protection of natural resources.

In this context, the Agriculture and Livestock Federation of the State of Santa Catarina (Faesc) and the National Rural Learning Service (Senar/SC) work continuously, intensely and in an articulated manner to permanently technically and professionally qualify the immense human capital formed by rural producers and their families, workers and businesspeople to face new challenges.

At the same time, it promotes technical, political and institutional defense so that it receives the best public policies and the best attention from all spheres of Public Administration, since the success of the sector is directly linked to the social peace provided by the supply of abundant and affordable food and to economic growth, since the regularity of supply keeps inflation under control and wards off the specter of hunger.

Producing efficiently and sustainably to ensure the sustainability of the production chains of grains, dairy products, meats, fish, fruits, etc. is a passport for future generations to have peace of mind to evolve.

All support for agriculture and agribusiness is necessary because, while it is essential, it is vulnerable to multiple uncontrollable and unpredictable factors such as climate, market, pests, epizootics and zoonoses, political crises and international conflicts.

Ultimately, the success of agriculture is the success of the country.

*Per José Zeferino Pedrozo, president of the Agriculture and Livestock Federation of the State of Santa Catarina

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